Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Safe, Positive, On-Task, Team Player (SPOT)
Follow directions given: When asked to do something by a staff member it’s important to follow directions.
Ask for help if needed: Whenever you can’t do something on your own (if something is too high or too heavy for example) ask for help. Or if you are scared for yourself or someone else ask an adult for help.
Keep hands and feet in own space: You need to stay in your personal space bubble.
Use equipment the way it was meant to be used: A chair is meant to be sat upon not anything else. Think about what something was made to do, and then do only that with it, even if doing something else with it would be fun.
Take care of yourself: You can only control your own behavior. Do what you know is right.
Don’t hurt others on purpose: Accidents happen. Sometimes we bump into someone without meaning to. However if we are doing something unsafe it’s more likely that we could hurt someone. If you are pushing people in a game, it would be easy for someone to get hurt. Even though you didn’t mean to hurt them, choosing unsafe behaviors is not a good idea.
Bring only things from home that help you learn: What things help you learn? Learning tools, healthy snacks, things the teacher asked you bring.
Complete task: When you are working on a task (taking something to office, going to the bathroom, walking to a specials class) complete the task.
Ask for help if needed: If you can’t figure out how to do something ask an adult for help.
Team Player
Give your ideas – Be part of figuring out how to do things, share your ideas and help things get done.
Consider the feelings of others.
Listen and speak respectfully.
Use equipment the way it was meant to be used. A slide was meant for sliding. Think about what something was made to do, and then do only that with it, even if doing something else with it would be fun.
Play games that do not involve violence: The rules are different in school because it’s our job to keep everyone safe at all times. Play games that don’t include any violent play, including play fighting or pretend weapons.
Woodchips and rocks are not for throwing, Snow only at target: you can play with sand and rocks on the ground, but they must stay on the ground. The same is true for sticks, or other items you find on the ground.
Be a good sport: everyone loses and it’s no fun to play with someone that gets mad whenever they lose, or makes other feel bad when they win. If you tease others when you win, you’re not being a good sport.
Follow game rules: Make sure you know the rules of the game you are playing, if you don’t know ask.
Get pass to enter building.
No cell phones or electronic devices.
Team Player
Share equipment and space: Tag is played only in the field. Basketball and 4-square are the only ball games played on the black top.
Make game rules clear to everyone: all playing should know the rules and be playing by the same rules. This may mean you have to compromise sometimes.
Everyone gets the chance to play: It’s not o.k. at school to exclude people. If people ask to join a game you need to find a way, so everyone gets a chance to play. This may mean having two different games, or waiting until a new game starts, be creative.
Work out problems together: Try using problem-solving strategies when you are having an issue with someone. Try at least 2 strategies (Rock, Paper, Scissors) and if they don’t work then ask for help.
Enjoy artwork and passing people with eyes, not hands: It’s o.k. to touch the wall but don’t touch the things on the wall. When passing someone you can wave, but remember to keep a voice level 0 and don’t stop to touch or hug them.
Accept your place in line - they'll be another line soon: We line up all the time, if you don’t get the place you want this time you’ll have lots of other chances. This one time is not that big of a deal. When you are in line you are going somewhere, it’s not a time to be with your friends and chat.
- Know where you are going and why: Whenever you are in the halls you are there for a reason, you are going somewhere to do something. The hallway is not a place to wander or hang out, go where you need to get and do what you need to do. You should be able to answer the questions “where are you going and why?”